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Our blog will show and tell you about what we have been learning in Year 1.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Bonfire - 03/11/2010

Year one are learning about bonfire night and Guy Fawkes this half term. The topic had an exciting start yesterday as Mr Stock built a bonfire for Year 1 and Year 2 to watch!

Here are some pictures from the exciting event...

First Mr Stock lit the bonfire.
The fire got bigger...
and bigger...
and bigger.
We all watched with excitement and thought carefully about the sounds we could hear.

"It's popping", said Oliver.

"It's crackling", said Faith.
Soon all that was left of the bonfire were a few pieces of wood. The bonfire was dying out. We left Mr Stock to put out the bonfire safely...but not before Miss Roper had taken some lovely pictures of us to go on our topic books!

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