Welcome to our blog!!

Our blog will show and tell you about what we have been learning in Year 1.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Highlights from our version of the Royal Wedding!!

Last week Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in lots of activities to learn about weddings from learning about their teacher's weddings to taking part in their very own pretend royal wedding at our local church!! The children really enjoyed themselves and were very excited about watching the real royal wedding over the weekend just gone. Here are some pictures that capture the week...

Mrs Fry shared her wedding dress with the children.

Mrs Imitaz shared her Pakistan Wedding.

Mrs Turner shared her church wedding.

The children were waiting for the bride to enter the church.

The children were waiting for the bride to enter the church.

The beautiful bride entered.

Mr Maxwell talked about marriage certificates.

Mr Maxwell shared with the children what happens at a Christian wedding.

The wedding guests posed for the camera.

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